Session 1
To reinforce governments’ capacities to address challenges posed by the impacts of Covid-19 and the effects of climate change, they must tap into existing support and best practices to drive inclusive innovation that allows the expansion of delivery of essential services while addressing pre-existing and emerging development gaps.
Session 1 will showcase the potential of government-led inclusive innovation that collaborates with the private sector—to reach underserved population in developing countries while highlighting the power of business-to-government models in providing essential goods and services.

Session 2
Session 2 will delve on the benefits and the challenges of enhancing MSME-based innovation uptake through inclusive public procurement principles and practices. Also on this session, learn about the seven strategies advanced for promoting inclusive public procurement.

Session 3
As Impact Measurement and Management (IMM) is becoming a mainstream practice that encourages organizations of all sizes and sectors to plan for, frame, and measure their impact, Session 3 aims to discuss and share about the practical side of adopting IMM, and how these practices helped many organizations better understand their contributions towards achieving the SDGs.

Session 4
Seeing the transformative power of effective private sector partnerships, Session 4 will see how we can amplify the call-to-action for implementing the Kampala Principles, a set of five mutually-reinforcing principles that provide a platform for effective development co-operation between private and public sector actors, fostering accountability, transparency, and trust.
On this session, learn in-depth knowledge about business practices and effective development co-operation multi-stakeholder partnerships.