Vanu, Inc.
Vanu, Inc.
Connecting the unconnected by helping mobile network operators solve the challenge of providing sustainable connectivity to off-grid markets globally.
Information Communication & Technology (ICT)
United States
Africa, Asia & Pacific, Latin America & Caribbean
The Impact Goal
Headquartered in the United States, Vanu, Inc. joined Business Call to Action in December 2020 and made a commitment to provide connectivity to 5 million people who do not have cell coverage or internet by 2023. They have also committed to investing USD 60 million in rural connectivity solutions by 2023.
The Market Gap
There are currently 1.2 billion people worldwide lacking coverage and there is a strong need for connectivity in rural communities. It can further improve education, safety, financial inclusion, gender equality. Vanu recognized that connectivity is essential to the development of lesser developed areas and is the best way to maximize prospects for individuals born in areas with little in the way of resources to close the digital divide.
The Business Solution
Vanu’s Radio Access Network (RAN) solutions focus on reducing the total cost of ownership of cellular networks for hard-to-cover areas. Vanu provides custom solutions for challenging coverage problems in addition to solutions for rural coverage, in-building coverage, cellular suppression, disaster recovery, and coverage as a service. Vanu's sustainable growth vision is to:
Enable partners to efficiently plan and deploy profitable off-grid networks.
Attract capital investment from third parties to accelerate MNO network build plans.
Knowing that diesel is an expensive and high theft commodity, Vanu designed its networks to run on solar-generated power with battery storage. Vanu plans to recruit and train members of the community to run its networks and employ local staff within its country offices. This model is expected to impact Vanu’s new employees in the local communities along with their families.